Monday, January 30, 2012

Is it possible to publish a book without meeting up with the publisher?

I am a 12 year old and I live in Spain. I am writing a novel and i wanted to publish it somewhere like the US or the UK. My problem is that I cant really meet up with the publishers all the way at the UK or US.

Is there a way to publish my book without actually meeting up with them? (without it being Self-publication)Is it possible to publish a book without meeting up with the publisher?
Hi there,

First of all a big 'wow' that you're writing a book at the age of 12. That's fantastic and shows that you have great courage and ambition. Well done!

Secondly, it's interesting that you live in Spain because that's where I live too. I live in the Malaga province, near to Nerja, if you know that area...

To answer your question there are publishing companies all over the world who could be interested in your book - not just in the UK and US. I, for example, am starting a publishing company up here in Spain but I'm publishing books by authors in Canada and the US, as well as books written by expats living here in Spain.

There is no real need to meet with the publishers as thanks to all this great technology we are able to communicate with ease via skype, email, etc...

Feel free to email me on if I can help further.

All the best

Keidi x
I think you can mail it to them or email them. This isn't a very rare problem. Research your problem a little more and see if you can find a solution. that's all I can suggest.Is it possible to publish a book without meeting up with the publisher?
Has it been published in Spain yet? And what language is it in? If it's in Spanish, Spain might be better than the US or the UK. I"m not sure where the UK is, but I think they speak English, or at least that's what the majority of them speak. In the US the vast majority speaks English, but Spanish is spoken by some people in some places, I think. I think it would be best to get it published in Spain first, and after that start researching other countries, because cultural differences could mean that your book will seem terrible to people in one country but wonderful in the next.

I'm using self publishing to publish my book, and I'm 12(nearly) also. If a regular publisher doesn't work out, you may want to try to self publish. I hope this helped!
Thanks to technology, there is the ease of communicating via email, meaning that face-to-face meetings aren't as important. I would advise you to publish in Spain first, and then go on to publish in the US and UK. From the sounds of your question, you clearly know how to speak English well, so translations shouldn't be a problem.

And to the answerer 'Bri Nicola': yes, many, many people speak English in the UK; the UK is made up of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England -- where the English language originates.Is it possible to publish a book without meeting up with the publisher?
To Bri Nicola; UK Means United Kindom.

United Kindom means England.

England=English, we're who made the language :L

And what language is it in? If English; then you can either email it, (watch out for scammers!).

Though if it's in Spanish, just stay with publishing it in Spain :)
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