Saturday, February 18, 2012

How can all these minorities & immigrants afford to live in CA, when an upstanding white man can't?

If an upstanding, law-abiding white man who makes more financially on an individual basis cannot afford to live in CA, how do the minorities, immigrants, gays, and other outcasts make ends meet in CA?How can all these minorities %26amp; immigrants afford to live in CA, when an upstanding white man can't?
Gays usually make darn good money so don't group them with the others. Immigrants(Mexicans) legal or illegal, live in housing either provided by farm companies such as wineries or in government housing. They also get houses for low income too. But the main thing is Mexicans live together in large groups of extended family members. I can afford to live here because I was born here and started off paying high prices for everything. I call it being used to living on a tight budget. But it is very hard for anyone to come here from another state, buy a home and a car and get a high paying job.
Excellent question and understanding. Between the underground communist party here and the Mexican government they are well funded. The goal of the communist has been to undermine American stability from within. Ever wonder how ACORN could survive and how we just found out about it. Acorn has been around for decades working silently. Groups like this are being funded by the government as the right is too gun shy to fight it. But these type organizations are here. Lenin stated to destroy the middle class '[grind them between inflation and taxation' two things that they are pushing now.

It is even more apparent when yo see the gubment shutting down the border fence in Arizona. We were told by the media and the administration that the 'virtual fence was not working and cost billions.

Actually anyone knows a fence with a camera is not any good if the border agents are told not to go up to the person, only arrest if the person comes to them.

The border fence worked. You may be able to find this unless the information has been removed, which we know our administration stops at nothing, but Sheriff BeBeu of Pinal County Arizona and his task force stated that the double layer wire fence worked. It cut the number of invaders from 130,000 to 10.000 and that his task force including some National Guard caught 97% of them. Obviously this is unacceptable to Obama and the rest.

So what is going on is something that has been going on for 50 years, just like the dumbing down of our government by putting lower sub standard people in positions. is there any other country or business in the word that promotes the worst, people who cannot do the job o0r even pass a test into supervisory positions? No not even Kenyan, but hey we do.

It's not to late mainly the worse have been promoted in the government and fed and state and that can be saved by promoting by merit and not lies. But this is a plan that has been going on for a long time even before aa or eeoc to destroy the country. *** y o can tell by our government and the idiots in it that it is working. Ha ha could you see Russia promoting some idiot over better qualified applicants, cannot other than someone in the 'party' making them do it like a brother in law deal. But in the real world like Europe they don't.

they are funded why would an organization like the Black Panthers come out of the wood work and nothing be done. Granted holder is part of eeoc and aa but this goes much further.How can all these minorities %26amp; immigrants afford to live in CA, when an upstanding white man can't?
I guess that upstanding law abiding white man is doing something wrong huh. Ask someone to show you how it's done.
Welfare, subsidized housing, living 20 to a roomHow can all these minorities %26amp; immigrants afford to live in CA, when an upstanding white man can't?
Government hand outs which is why their state is bankrupt.
welfare and hand outs.
Welfare, low housing asst.. free money for college even tho my son who was born in this country has to pay his own way.. makes me sick
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