Thursday, February 9, 2012

What requirements must I meet to buy a house and live in Canada?

I live in USA.What requirements must I meet to buy a house and live in Canada?
Both answers you were given so far are correct. Contact the Canadian Government by way of the internet to get details on how immgrate to Canada. Also be prepared to pay a lot for a home in the Vancouver area because it one of the hottest area in Canada to purchase a home in. As for actually purchasing a home here you don't have to any any requirments to buy a house here in Canada, except money. Wanting to live here in Canada on a full time bases well that's a different story.

Here is the web site for Canadian Immgration requirements must I meet to buy a house and live in Canada?
aside from immigration requirements (including lack of a criminal record - see other posters link) you will need money. lots.

Vancouver's is the hottest housing market in the country.. 1/2 million bare minimum to buy a detatched home in the city .What requirements must I meet to buy a house and live in Canada?
Contact the Canadian Embassy for details.

Look at this website.
What the others have said is true. But you'll want to visit the area before deciding where you want to buy. Vancouver is a huge metropolitan area -- if you are dead set on having a "Vancouver" address you'll pay a premium for that. But you can get much more for your dollar if you decide to live in the 'burbs or even further afield. Really depends on what you want it for.

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